Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Can they transfer the skills they learned?

It was interesting to start this with the ‘dumb robot’ lesson.  I realized that for most of the students, their only connection with robots was with cartoon characters that could walk and talk and think.  I had to give them a background on what a ‘dumb robot’ really was.   
I found a video of a toothpick factory in action to help them understand what a robot may actually do.  Never assume anything with a 5-year-old!
When we went back to the ‘dumb robot’ lesson, I they continued to make assumptions that the robot knew which way they were pointing, knew what ‘follow me’ meant, and knew what a square was.  I even had to have a group really think about the difference between ‘standing on a square’ and ‘walking in a square’.  Finally, after letting them suffer through it, I heard one child say, “Fine!  Then go left then!”  Ah, ha!  Surprisingly, it was one of the students who has difficulty recalling the words they need to communicate effectively with others.  I almost hit the floor! 

 I was so proud of him and the class all gathered together and completed the square under his direction. 
They went back to their partner and tried again using his technique.
From there, students were given the problem, how would you have a robot make this shirt in a factory.  I am waiting for a Bee-bot to arrive, so in the meantime, I introduced them to the arrows that they will need to use in order to make the Bee-bot complete this task.  I sat back and watched them figure this out. 
Some are thinking that they continue to make it turn. 
Others are forgetting that they need to tell the robot to turn.   (This child was yelling at the other one that she needed to add in a turn!)
Most are thinking that if they just tell a robot to go up and down, they will achieve the desired result.  One very wise group is actually acting out the actions that the Bee-bot will take.  My hope is that this will become an effective performance task that requires transference of skills in order demonstrate mastery.  Until next time, to be continued . . .

Teaching Angles Using Angry Birds

March 2016

As a Learning Leader, I am currently working with three grade 6 teachers and leading the design and implementation of a Math unit on measurement with angles.  We decided to use Angry Birds to hook the students.  We have had great discussions with the students about all the things that can be learned from the game.  Students have been challenged to design their own Angry Bird type game using a variety of angles and measurements and to follow a game development process.

In order to develop the mathematical concepts, we sent students in small groups around the school with digital cameras in search of angles. After printing out and sorting their photos into groups of similar angles, student discovered the four main types.  We will continue to develop understanding of the concepts needed for the project through a variety of methods of practice.

Once students have an understanding of the mathematical concepts, they will then begin designing a game level on paper, incorporating targets (pigs) and figuring out the angle and measurement needed for the projectile (birds) to hit the targets. After this part of the process is complete, we will then introduce the students to basic coding using Code Studio in order to create drawings of a variety of angles.  Students will also be introduced to Scratch to create a simple Angry Birds type game.

Sorting photos taken by students of types of angles found around the school

April 2016

Students have now completed their artistic designs of a level of an Angry Birds type game. See examples below.

Students also learned how to use block coding (Code Studio) to create a picture of an object or pattern that included at least four types of angles. See example below.

After this part of the process was complete, students were introduced to Scratch. Many students took on the challenge of trying to code a simple angle-type game. Some students are so "hooked" that they are working on their coding skills and game development in their spare time and at home.

Throughout the project, students showed a high level of interest and engagement.  Students came with prior knowledge of the game as many had already played it. By following a video game development process, students saw a real world application of math concepts. Students who struggled in the past on other projects, performed exceptionally well in this project.  In fact, one of the best drawings using block coding was created by two ESL students with very little English language skills.  Many students chose to and enjoyed working in small teams and saw the benefit of how their team members ideas and feedback can help design/create a successful product. A pre-test on angles was given at the beginning of the project. Post-test results showed an improvement in knowledge and understanding of angles for all students.

IO Stem Series Project Post from Erin Woods School

STEM Project:  Pallet Project

Project Process: With the Grade 4/5s at our school we worked on a pallet project with a small group meant to help construct furniture for our Learning Commons Area.  Students researched different pallet projects using Google and the website We then had students choose a project and use reverse engineering to design an item to be built with pallet wood.

The students drew up designs, following specific blueprint guidelines and then built a model with popsicle sticks. They then had to scale the plans so that they could be used to build the item with a full size pallet.  They spent some time measuring pallet wood to understand what the standard measurements are for this type of wood.

 Our school has teamed up with a junior high in the city and when the designs and models are complete, the junior high students will be building the items in their wood-working shop.

Learning objectives included measurement, understanding of perimeter and area, estimation, use of scale,and using measurement to solve problems.  Also included was using writing to problem solve and to explain thinking.  Students also worked on orally communicating their thinking process.  The iterative process of design was also explored and the students experienced this method of creating.

The approach to this learning problem included initial exploration of materials and concepts with frequent check ins on the part of the teacher to evaluate understanding and direct next steps.  Teacher used reflective questioning to get students to assess, to problem solve and help them figure out what they needed to understand to get to the next stage of the design.

Post project follow up included video documentation of students reflecting on their work and their results. They answered reflective questions about the process, the results, what they learned, and what they would do differently.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Let's Build a Rover

Task: Build a Balloon Powered Nanorover

Students were given design instructions and were to follow the directions in order to build a Nanorover that could successfully move as if to recreate the movement of a rover on Mars. The instructions were numerous and very specific.

Grade 6 Students working together in groups of 2

Currently students are studying Sky Science.  The task was an extension activity designed to increase curiosity in discovering what the Mars surface might be like and how we have gained the information we have so far and realize the time and energy required to create the different forms of technology.

Curriculum Link:

Specific Learner Expectations 

Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
• confidence in personal ability to learn and develop problem-solving skills
• perseverance in the search for understandings and for solutions to problems 
• a willingness to work with others in shared activities and in sharing of experiences 
• appreciation of the benefits gained from shared effort and cooperation 
• a sense of personal and shared responsibility for actions taken 

Specific Learner Objective: 

Identify technologies and procedures by which knowledge, about planets and other objects in the night sky, has been gathered

Students were provided access to all necessary materials however very little assistance was given.  Students were guided to figure out what instructions were saying.


  • Some students struggled to complete the task due to errors made along the way.  Some of the errors were due to skipping steps in the building process.  I found that some students could visualize the big picture and attempted to use their vision to create their rovers however in doing so missed some steps  that helped to create a stable rover.
  • Some students appreciate the step by step instructions whereas those students who prefer trial and error struggled to follow the directions.
  • Students that were very successful were those that worked well with their partners and discussed the steps and worked together the entire time.
  • Some students built their rovers however they didn't move much to their disappointment.  The follow up was then to determine "why" and how could they fix or modify their rover in order to be successful.
As a follow up activity, a discussion was had surrounding the successfully built rovers and determining how NASA would go about testing their design.  What would be some of the obstacles to sending a rover to Mars.  Finally looking at the speed at which the rover moves and relating that back to the reality of the distance between Earth and Mars and how we would ultimately communicate with a rover.  This in turn did lead to a discussion of the future mission of sending humans to Mars.

STEM: Using Robots to Build Problem Solving Skills

Our journey with programming began with my grade two students learning to direct one another using directional words (forward, backwards, turn left, turn right, etc.). One student acted as the programmer while the other student became a robot. This allowed for students to collaborate and to help one another succeed using basic vocabulary in coding. became our next step to reinforce their knowledge about programming. Students were eager and willing to try this program. Students were able to choose their course theme from Star Wars, Frozen, or Mine Craft. Excitement filled the room when students began their course. However, students quickly started to get frustrated as they had to problem solve in order to complete the task. Students had to try to become more effective in coding and build their analytical skills.

Next our students were introduced to our new classmates, Dash and Dot! This is when we developed our task.  Our mission was to make a course for Dash to follow. As a class we decided that we needed a starting point and an end point. Students decided on the starting and finishing point for Dash and marked the area with tape.  Students then wrote a code to get to the taped off finish line.

This task integrates ICT, Science and Math curriculum outcomes. Students began to hypothesize how many meter sticks they thought Dash would take to travel to the designated end spot.

They modeled math concepts for measurement that led into more outcomes than expected. Students were using data collection, data analysis, communication and problem-solving skills. Students moved beyond non-standard units and measured using cm, as Dash’s distance is measured from 10cm to 100cm.

The idea of angles was also introduced to my grade two students. Dash turns at different angles so the students had to grasp this concept. The visual tool used on the Blocky App from Dash and Dot makes this an easier concept for students to learn.   They quickly learned the difference between 90* and 180*.

My students continued to measure and correct their calculations to see who could get closest to the end spot. We eventually made two courses for the robots as one course was too busy. Students even thought to start at the opposite side of the course. It was impressive to see how students would adjust their calculations, collaborate with one another and easily spend time fixing their mistakes. My whole class was engaged in this task. I look forward to continuing this journey with my class, as they are eager to create more difficult courses for Dash and Dot. 

Saint Joseph School - Grade Two

Using Design Thinking in an Interdisciplinary Inquiry

          I have been fortunate enough to work on a teaching team who brought in a wonderful approach to inquiry, in the shape of ‘Shift Lab’, undertaken during professional Development with the Telus Spark Science center.

         This new form of learning is shaped around the idea of ‘Design Thinking’. In short, and inspired by professional engineers, architects and designers, Telus Spark developed a philosophy around solving problems through empathetic collaboration and hands on design.

Collaborative Rigor

         We integrated this approach into a recent inquiry around European Renaissance, managing to incorporate both the disciplines of science, language and humanities. While students experienced various critical thinking activities around the development of the Renaissance, and its key figures, they also began to go through a rigorous ‘design thinking’ process, with the goal of creating a device that would cause disorder. This looked like brainstorming sessions, asking students to work together to define disorder, and how it could be brought into our everyday lives. Students then went through an iteration process, refining their focus towards a chose design. Multiple feedback cycles, during the design process, helped students understand issues with their design, and build on what they had created, seeing what worked, alongside seeing what needed improvement.

Curriculum Integration 

         For the end result we asked students to showcase their understanding for assessment, in the form of a Powerpoint, Keynote or Quicktime video. Meeting the curriculum outcomes regarding mechanical systems, students shared their scientific understanding of their device, such as the subsystems it incorporated, and how the design had a mechanical advantage. Students used the annotation app Skitch to accurately label and describe the mechanical elements of their work. Students interconnected their scientific thinking with the Renaissance outcomes for social studies, by sharing their knowledge around a key Renaissance figure of their choice, and speaking to their influence over the development of humanist thinking.

Inquiry Goal - What we wanted our students to know

         As a team our overall goal was to have students consider the concepts of truth, order and disorder, and how, within a complex and developing society, each follows the other in turn. Students were able to get a better sense of our working environment, and how a modern classroom is based on Humanist thinking, while also developing their skills in knowledge sharing, and understanding that working towards one goal is a step towards understanding what your next goals will be on the journey of your learning.